About the Pack
Welcome to our Three.js pack. This downloadable resource is packed with all the tools you need to understand and utilize the popular JavaScript library, Three.js, to create and animate 3D computer graphics on a web browser.
Last update : July 2023 - Three.js r153 update
Course Modules

Three.js Module
The main part of the pack is dedicated to Three.js. We walk you through the core fundamentals and advanced techniques of this powerful library, helping you master the art of creating impressive 3D web graphics.
0 - Basic environment
1 - The basic concepts
2 - Hello World
3 - Geometry
4 - Material
5 - Texture
6 - Sprite
7 - Shadows and lights
8 - Controls
9 - 3D Models
10 - Animations
11 - Raycaster
12 - Render Targets
13 - 3D Text
14 - Bonus
15 - For more content

Ammo.js Module
To augment your Three.js creations with realistic physics, we've included a bonus section on Ammo.js, a robust physics engine. This additional module gives you the tools to take your 3D scenes to the next level by introducing physically realistic simulations and animations.
1 - Ammo.js - Introduction and Hello World
2 - Ammo.js - Advanced Notions
3 - Ammo.js SoftBody - Creating a rope

Examples Module
To ensure you get the most out of our training, we've incorporated over 70 practical demonstration codes linked to the videos. These examples will help you understand your newly acquired knowledge and guide you in creating your own 3D web graphics and animations.
Pack Content
Over 7h30 of video content
27 Training Videos
29 Slideshows
PDF format
Over 70 Examples
Over 70 Three.js related code examples
3D Models
Ready-to-use 3D models